All About: Amethyst

All About: Amethyst

Birthstone: February, Amethyst is also seen as the stone for the zodiac sign Pisces

Meaning: Amethyst is thought to bring you love, calm and soothing energies. It can be used to symbolise happiness and sincerity.

Birthstone: February, Amethyst is also seen as the stone for the zodiac sign Pisces

Meaning: Amethyst is thought to bring you love, calm and soothing energies. It can be used to symbolise happiness and sincerity.

What is Amethyst?

Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz, and its chemical makeup is composed of silicon dioxide. Quartz is formed in lava, when the gas bubbles become trapped allowing the crystals to form inside the cavities created by the bubbles. The colour is caused by tiny impurities of iron which are then altered by natural radiation to give the purple colour. Amethyst, like all varieties of quartz is a popular gemstone used in jewellery and has been prized for its beauty for centuries.


Where does Amethyst come from?

Amethyst is found naturally throughout the United States – Arizona, Texas, North Carolina, and Colorado. High quality Amethyst can be found in Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and the Far East. The higher grade, called “Deep Siberian”, has a primary purple hue of around 75-80%, with 15-20% blue and red secondary hues.


What is the meaning of Amethyst?

Amethyst was used cross-culturally as a symbol of peace and unification. It is also thought to evoke feelings of serenity and calmness in those who wear it. Amethysts have been used to symbolize deep love, happiness, humility, and sincerity. Amethyst is often used during meditation to provide an overall sense of spiritual balance.


How to care for Amethyst?

Amethyst can last a lifetime and beyond if cared for properly, it ranks at a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness, implying it’s a durable gemstone but can be susceptible to scratches so it is important to care for it with storage – store your Amethyst in a fabric lined box or pouch to prevent it from getting scratched as well as avoiding environments that can expose it to harsh chemicals. To clean your Amethyst, use a soft and dry cloth to wipe the stone to remove any oils or dirt. Amethyst can be rinsed under warm running water and a small drop of mild soap to give the stone a sleeker look. Ultrasonic cleaners and steamers should not be used as they can cause damage to the stone.

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